Life or Death of the Species

Exposing Global Extinction Species Humanity

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Kings and Queens of Pretense

Pink and gender-neutral child

Hot on the bloody trail of indulgent ideology leading our world into nonsensical creepiness and extinction, we come upon  doorsteps of omnipresent celebrities again.  It seems that pop stars, P!nk and Paloma Faith have decided to raise their children as gender-neutral and went so far as to announce their brave plans to mainstream media.  Let the argument begin here that such psychological treatment of their children amounts to cruel and unusual child abuse.  The argument is made quite easily and such child abuse does not propagate the species inflicting wounds upon society.  

Imagine if every parent in America followed in the progressive parental footsteps of celebrity pretentiousness like Pink and Paloma.  Children will begin to have names like; Thing One and Thing Two.  Who would then propagate the species?  Science in test tubes?  Clones?  Seriously?  One sees why many people are quickly coming to the realization that liberalism may be a mental illness.

Recently, Kris Jenner was vilified for not wishing, Caitlyn Jenner a happy Father's Day highlighting the entire idea of transgender delusion.  Caitlyn is definitely a father but no longer a man.  Caitlyn is not a real woman and certainly cannot be wished a happy Mother's Day.  Neither man nor woman, Caitlyn Jenner is properly an it.  They don't want you to call Caitlyn an it because that would hurt feelings.  Wishing Caitlyn Jenner a happy Father's Day just illuminates the pretense.  Liberal ideology appears to tolerate anything for the sake of emotions they do not understand.  Gender-neutral is apparently the desire to become an it, genderless, mindless, and spiritually impotent in the process.  The results of such social engineering can only lead to perversion and increased mental illness as represented brilliantly in the Jenner Father's Day Quagmire.

Mainstream media only shows us those celebs they want us to see often in glowing terms.  Such people are far from the majority and majority rules in America.   Despite what puppet masters would show us and want us to believe, America does not want a culture of out-of-control depravity where men pretend to be women.  Beleaguered beauty has been insulted long enough.

Canadian gender-neutral under neoliberal, Justin Trudeau

Evolutionary changes in culture come by way of cataclysm or cataclysmic information. What is offered here are cataclysmic revelations. Enlightenment may initiate a  delayed reaction. Still, you cannot unring the bell. Homosexuality is the major symptom of species extinction. Embracing homosexuality has led to transgender, gender-neutral, and inevitable perversions attempting to normalize pedophilia. Professor and Author, Camille Paglia gave humanity significant clues regarding homosexuality and like so much wisdom that does not fit ambitions of depravity and greed, warnings fell on deaf and uncaring ears.  Homosexuality is not normal.  It is a challenge, a complex existential code waiting thousands of years for humanity to crack.  Extinction has ruled this planet far too long and it is time humanity begins the long climb out of the abyss.  It was never meant to be easy those reasons why we are here.

Slowly, America will unite to eradicate a philosophy celebrating pretense to perversion.  Perhaps freedom tastes better the more one has to fight for it.  Let this then be the last battlefield.  Let us fight for reality and humanity.  We fight for a spiritually potent fertile future.  We fight against pedophile culture and the open perversion of children.  How can we lose?

Government-sanctioned child abuse down under

1 comment:

  1. Mainstream media only shows us those celebs they want us to see often in glowing terms. Such people are far from the majority and majority rules in America. Despite what puppet masters would show us and want us to believe, America does not want a culture of out-of-control depravity where men pretend to be women.
